
Spiros Bikes is a family run business operating in San Stefanos (North West) since 1982. Spiros has been working in the business from the age of 8, alongside his father from whom he learnt how to repair and service the bikes. He also attended college where he studied mechanics. To make your holiday more memorable, Spiros Bikes provides a variety of new Scooters, Quad bikes and Buggies, ready for you to hire and enable you to easily explore the beauty of Corfu. With over 30 years of experience, they continue to offer their services to both new and old customers. In order to hire any of their bikes, do not forget to bring your FULL Driving Licence (paper or card type), as it will be needed for the insurance. As a professional business, they do not hire out bikes without the correct licence. Provisional Licence is NOT accepted.

SpirosBikes - The company to offer the best Quads - Scooters & e-bicycles rental services
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